Anvita Prashant Telang, eleven years old, has been named national winner of the contest "Doodle 4 Google". The sixth standard Vibgyor High School student in the Balewadi area was chosen for her Doodle presentation on the subject titled "If I Could Teach Anyone Anything, It Would Be". The Doodle will be featured on Google India's home page on November 14 to celebrate Children's Day.
"With the 'Doodle 4 Google' competition, our goal is to promote creativity, passion and imagination in younger users. We congratulate Anvita for being considered the winner this year," said Sapna Chadha, head of marketing for Google India , In a statement. Tickets that came from more than 50 cities across the country were evaluated for artistic merit, creativity and thematic communication, as well as their unique and novel approach to Doodle. Doodle represents greeneries, water, water life, balloons, making it a lovely vibrant image.
This comes after an elaborate call for voting for the finalists announced for the 8th Doodle 4 Google Event. The finalists went through two rounds of judges, first by school judges and then by national judges comprising art director Savio Mascarenhas, Google Doodler chief Ryan Germick, cartoonist Ajit Ninan and Creative Rob.
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