The Delhi metro on Monday tested the 13 kilometer-long Janakpuri West to IGI Airport's 1D terminal at its next Magenta Line, according to a statement. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) started the process by unloading train cars on the tracks. The first two coaches of the six-bus train were unloaded at the Sadar Bazar subway station at Delhi Cantt and dropped off near the ramp through a carefully planned operation.
In this part, the subway passes from elevated to underground. Coaches were placed on the tracks with the help of special large capacity cranes and trailers. "To unload the train in a section without tank connectivity, the DMRC had to choose a specific location where there is no need to lift the trainers too high," the DMRC said in a statement.
"The process needed absolute precision to avoid any physical damage to trainers or civilian structure. The remaining four cars of the train will be placed on the tracks in the next few days," he said. Trials will then begin in this section about 13 km long, he added. The section is part of the 38.33-km Janakpuri West to the Botanical Garden (Magenta Line), which has 25 subway stations.
The trial was run in its elevated section of Kalkaji Mandir to the Botanical Garden began in October. In addition to keeping in mind the elevation of the tracks from the ground, the authorities paid special attention not to interrupt the traffic.
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