The expected Xiaomi budget smartphone, the Redmi Note 4 was announced in India last week. Unlike the Chinese version, the Indian version gets a new Snapdragon chipset along with some other changes on the Redmi Note 3. The phone will be available for purchase from today exclusively on the online shopping portal Flipkart. It is an open sale from 12pm. The phone comes in three variants, including 2 GB RAM + 16 GB variant, priced at R 9,999, 3GB + 32GB for Rs 10,999 and 4GB + 64GB for Rs 12,999.
Of course, the 4GB RAM variant is an obvious choice, but offering three variants is a good strategy. As for the features of the phone comes with an octa-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 clock at 2 GHz with a 14nm manufacturing process that also features an Adreno 506 GPU. The smartphone offers an option to expand memory with a MicroSD card up to 256 GB with the hybrid SIM card tray.
Other features include a 5.5-inch IPS Full HD LCD screen with a 3.5D protective glass on top, a 13MP f / 2.0 CMOS sensor on the back with a 77-pixel wide-angle lens and Focus Detection Phase PDAF) and a dual-tone LED flash. At the front there is a 5MP CMOS sensor with f / 2.0 aperture. As for the connectivity options that supports 4G with VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v4.1, GPS, GLONASS, micro-USB 2.0 with OTG and an infrared sensor. There is also a fingerprint reader on the back and a 4,100 mAh battery. The smartphone runs on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow with MIUI 8 on top.
The smartphone will be offered with gold, silver and gray options, while a special option of matt black color will be available next month.
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