Reliance Industries President Mukesh Ambani announced on Tuesday Jio Prime's affiliation with Reliance Jio's 100 million initial customers. Under the Jio Prime plan, Jio members can take another year of their 4G services on a one-time payment of Rs 99 to be made in March. This means that Jio Prime members can continue to enjoy the benefit of Jio 4G data until March 31, 2018 in Rs 99. In addition, Jio will charge Rs 303 per month, effectively at Rs 10 per day for another full year.
Registration for Jio Prime membership begins on March 1 and ends on March 31. Users joining the Jio Network on or before March 31 of this year will also be eligible for Jio Prime membership. Existing users can sign up through the MyJio application or log on to the company's website as well as through Jio's offline stores to enroll in the Jio Prime membership plan.
"Our 100 million initial customers are the foundation of Jio. Today is the day when I must show my gratitude to you, the first 100 million customers and assure them that they continue to receive extreme value with Jio," Ambani said.
Jio will offer other extreme value plans for members of Jio Prime, details of which are available in the MyJio application and at The full booth of Jio Media Services includes JioTV, JioCinema, JioMusic, JioMags and JioXpressNews. "We are forming a line of offers and offers from Jio and his partners for Prime members," Ambani said. The details of these agreements are unknown from now on.
Ambani said that Jio's services have crossed the 100 million mark in only 170 days and that India is now the number one country in the world in terms of data usage. Ambani said that Jio customers had consumed more than 100 million GB of data by January 2017. Jio had announced its 4G tariff plans for prepaid and postpaid users last year.
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