Reliance Communications has launched an unlimited data plan for 4G customers starting at Rs 49. The company's new unlimited plan called 'Joy of Holi' will be available in 17 circles in India and will provide additional data and call benefits from Voice over 4G, 3G and 2G.
"With this release, all new Reliance Communications 4G customers will get the best prices in the industry with 1GB of data access offered at only Rs 49, while 3GB of data access can be leveraged for just Rs 149, Along with free and unlimited On the local calling and STD network, valid for 28 days, "the company said in a statement.
"At RCOM, we have been overwhelmed by the response our Unlimited Plan received last year, a validation of our efforts to consistently improve customer experience and improve the quality of life of our customers," said Gurdeep Singh, co-CEO Of Reliance Communications. Now we take a new leap with the additional benefits offered to our 4G customers, with the "Joy of Holi" offer.
"In addition, we continue to see immense potential in 3G and 2G markets, which boasts of 750 million smartphones and telephones with ready data functionality. Therefore, we have customized special offers in this space, Create Propositions
." The company has also announced new plans for its 3G and 2G customers in select markets.
According to RCom, new 3G customers in Delhi, Bombay, Kolkata, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir can now recharge with Rs 99 and get unlimited 3G data along with Rs 20 talk-time. In this plan, voice calls will be charged at 25 paise per miniute with a validity of 28 days
. In addition, new 2G customers in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh (E), Uttar Pradesh (W), Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Chennai can now have unlimited 2G data access for only Rs. , -built talk time of Rs 20, and call charges to 25 paise per minute, valid for 28 days.
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