Samsung Mobile India on March 6 introduced its new line of A series smartphones. The new smartphones introduce new additions in terms of features that come from Samsung's range of premium smartphones. These would include two particular hardware features, a screen always on screen and an IP 68 dust and water resistance rating.
While the budget segment in India seems overpopulated with Chinese smartphones, it is the mid-range segment that the Chinese are now after. With that said, Samsung had long established itself as the king of all segments, but with more and more Chinese smartphones entering the Indian market, we have begun to witness a change in consumer preferences once again. Consumers sometimes get better hardware and features in the budget segment of a Xiaomi smartphone than they can from a mid-range HTC device. That's why Samsung seems to have come to its pussy and pulled out a screen always on screen and an IP rating 68. But will they oppose the competition? Let's find out.
Vivo V5 Plus:
Again through the fence comes another fine contender in the form of Vivo V5 Plus, which not only performs better, but also allows you the best possible selfies. I reviewed the Vivo V5 and did it for a large camera smartphone that also delivered a great battery life and all this at a price lower than Samsung Galaxy A7. If selfies are all you want to click, look no further than the V5 Plus. But since the A7 boasts an IP 68 certification, you may want to take a look because the selfies submarines will certainly give you more tastes on Facebook.Vivo V5 Plus Cost :26,849.
Xiaomi Mi 5:
Xiaomi Mi 5 may be old, but it is still a great combination of power, size and price. Your camera may not be the best, but it still packs in decent performance compared to the flagship out there. Then there is the decent size that is not too big and not too small at 5.15 inches either. All-in-all a great all-round priced that way lower than what Samsung A7 and A5 offer, but with much more horsepower.Xiaomi M5 Cost:22,999.
One Plus 3T:
In fact, there is no other smart phone brand that comes to mind when comparing mid-range and premium smartphones. This is because OnePlus has fixed the price of its new and upgraded OnePlus 3T to Rs 34,999 (6GB of RAM, 128GB of storage). Those looking for brute power and good camera performance can easily bypass the Samsung A7, and buy a OnePlus 3T instead.
Samsung C9 Pro :
When you are in the business of making too many smart phones through segments you end up with multiple listings on items like these that will make your product look rather confusing. Yes, there is also the C9 Pro more worthy of the packages in all under the sun, better hardware and curiously comes from the same manufacturer who is throwing you something much worse. The C9 Pro is much better compared to the A7 and has a price of only Rs 4,000 higher. It has the largest screen, best build quality, a larger battery, the same camera that will make you wonder why Samsung introduced the A7 to get started. But its does not have the A7 Always on screen and IP 68 which kind of turns the tables upside down.Samsung C9 Pro Cost is 36,900.
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