Apple opened its first store in Southeast Asia in Singapore on Saturday, drawing hundreds of excited fans to the two-story luxury venue in the city's upscale shopping district. The new store, easily distinguished by its iconic glass façade, is expected to be one of Apple's most popular stores in the world, according to the technology giant.
Goods like the iPhone and MacBook were strategically placed on the screen on the spacious first floor, while the upper level acted as a classroom for customers to participate in hands-on sessions. Hundreds of shoppers camped in anticipation of the launch, while more than a thousand crowded into the store shortly after the doors opened, an AFP reporter observed.
First in line was Xiang Jiaxin, a twenty-five-year-old Chinese Chinese who worked in Macao and who had queued for more than 12 hours overnight and planned a vacation to Singapore especially to coincide with the opening.
"I am very happy and excited to be part of this. I have participated in official store openings in Macao, Guangzhou and Nanjing," he told AFP. Apple, which has a staggering cash of $ 256.8 billion, celebrated its 40th anniversary last year. The legend of the Silicon Valley emerged from the garage of Steve Jobs to reshape modern life with trend gadgets.
Most of its profits come from the iPhone, which faces increasingly tough competition in a saturated market. The technology giant has nearly 500 stores worldwide with more than one million visitors a day. Apart from Singapore, its Asian stores are located in Hong Kong, China and Japan. A regional transportation, business and financial center, Singapore attracted 16.4 million visitors last year.
Tags : Apple,Apple Store,South Asia,Singapore
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